Memorandum of Understanding for an international collaboration framework agreement

01 dhj

Memorandum of Understanding for an international collaboration framework agreement

Memorandum of Understanding for an international collaboration framework agreement between the College of International Management “Globus” and CCLP – Worldwide the International Organization of Education Charter.

The CCLP Worldwide is an international advocacy organization working for the promotion of the International Charter of Education and duly accredited as Special Consultative Status organization with United Nations Economic and Social Council and officially associated with United Nations Conference on Sustainable development, United Nations Volunteering, United Nations Environment Program, Institutional Member of UNESCO NEQMAP, United Nations Global Compact, United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime and United Nations Office of Human Rights Council and having the seat in Kolkata, India at 17 Tara Chand Dutt Street Kolkata 700 073.

Spoke in terms of their respective offices and in the exercise of the powers to agree on behalf of the entities they represent have conferred and RECITALS
That this Agreement has been promoted by both institutions on the basis that:
a. – Both institutions are united by shared objectives in the scientific social and cultural development in India, in Kosovo and worldwide.
b. – The two institutions, in fact, promote the exchange of information, scientific social and cultural cooperation to improve to a better global character education, and share common objectives in promoting coordination of scientific, educational, higher educational activities.
c. – Both institutions have legal personality, allowing them to enter into agreements of this nature for the better achievement of the objectives assigned to them.
d. – Both institutions are interested in encouraging international cooperation based on equality and mutual assistance.
e. – The agreement allows College Globus to use the word “Social –Cultural and academic co-operation with the International Organization-CCLP Worldwide” and allows global Civil Society- CCLP Worldwide for use “in the Social Cultural and academic cooperation with College Globus.” with the permission of using the corresponding logo in an appropriate place but not limited to website, desktop or publication.
f. – The CCLP Worldwide adheres to the Charter and College Globus supports the Education Charter International.
g. Both the parties will mutually recognize, endorse and support the courses, certification and other training programs promoted severally or jointly by both the parties.


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